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We encourage you to send your questions to

Here are a few questions....

I need a demo CD! Can you help me?

Of course! Our experienced staff will assemble the necessary resources to produce a demo tape and then suggest what to do with it!

Can you prepare a press release?

Once you supply us with the details, we will prepare a professional press release tailored to your needs.

How can I get visibility on the Internet and not spend a bundle?

Our experienced online communications staff will evaluate your particular situation, assess your individual needs and work with you to create a website that will announce you to the world!

Showcases are popular events to introduce new artists. Is this possible when you are financially challenged?

Although you may think you need 'beaucoup bucks' to attempt a showcase, we will suggest many ways to begin on a smaller scale. Financial support is always essential, however, when your aspirations are on a larger scale. We can also provide information for resources that are available to gather those big bucks!



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